Bethel Township’s two playgrounds, at Raynor Park and Donnelsville Park, are closed until further notice to help prevent spread of the coronavirus. Since the virus can live on surfaces for up to several days, we ask parents to keep their children safe by keeping them away. All township parks are also closed for organized sports and all other activities that involve more than ten people. The parks are still open for taking walks, including the walking track at Styer Park.
Month: March 2020
Brush Pickup Suspended
At their March 24 meeting the trustees voted to suspend brush pickup indefinitely beginning immediately. Due to the coronavirus our road crew is working with limited staffing and will not be able to pick up and dispose of storm damaged limbs and brush for the foreseeable future. We are sorry for any inconvenience, but if you bundle your brush and take it to Mad River Topsoil at 5625 Old Lower Valley Pike, Springfield, they will accept it at no charge.
Covid-19 in the area
During a press conference Wednesday, March 19, Clark County Health Commissioner Charles Patterson announced the first confirmed Covid-19 case in Clark County is in a resident of Bethel Township. The patient was in a care facility out of the county when he became ill and is now in the VA hospital. His family lives in Bethel Township and had been in close contact until recently. A second patient at the same facility also tested positive for the virus, and other patients have been tested and are awaiting results. Stay safe by staying home as much as possible, practice social distancing when out, and wash your hands often.
Primary Elections
Ohio Primary Elections, originally scheduled for March 16, have been postponed until June 2nd. Gov. DeWine requested the move and it was made by court order due to threat of the coronavirus.
BETHEL TOWNSHIP will be conducting all administrative business by telephone until further notice. MEETINGS will be held as scheduled for essential business only. MEDICAL EMERGENCIES will still be seen at the station if fire personnel are there. Donnelsville and Styer Park BUILDING RENTALS are suspended at least through the end of March due to the Wuhan coronavirus.