February 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Bethel Township Trustees
3333 Lake Road
5:00 p.m.
Welcome and pledge: Led by Don Minton
Prayer: Led by Dave Phares
In Attendance: Don Minton, Dave Phares, Stacey McKenzie, Chief Jacob King, Deputy Durham and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford. Nancy Brown was absent due to being out of town.
Citizen comments relating to agenda items: None.
21-02-09-01Trustee Don Minton moves to accept the agenda. Second by Trustee Dave Phares.
R/C: all ayes.
21-02-09-02 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64594 through 64624 and ACH payments 108-2021 through 199-2021in the amount of $68,817.94. Second by Trustee Don Minton R/C: All ayes.
21-02-09-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of January 26, 2021. Second by Trustee Dave Phares R/C: All ayes.
Trustee __ moves to declare each of the following properties a separate nuisance to be abated:
Second by Trustee __ R/C: No properties currently.
21-02-09-04 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve that Rhonda Ledford, township coordinator, rent the Styer Lion’s Den at the rate of $800.00 for the week of March 8, 2021 through March 12, 2021 to American Sun Crafters. (Last year’s rate was $300.00) Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-02-09-05 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve that all passwords pertaining to Bethel Township shall be stored in a book maintained by Rhonda Ledford, Township Coordinator, AND Chief Jacob King. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-02-09-06 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve Chief Jacob King as the administrator for the IT-Server System. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-02-09-07 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve VerCom Systems, Inc. to install a new phone at the front door. The cost is $749.99 Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
Our Amazon account has been suspended due to the issues of tax. Stacey has sent the proper paperwork in several time to be tax exempt. There are still tax charges. Board of Trustees advised to look at other townships and see if they can help get this matter corrected.
21-02-09-08 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the agreement between Bath Township and Bethel Township. Bath Township has purchased a Lucus Chest Compression System, Lucus battery, Lucus Power cord, and a Stryker Pro Ambulance Cot Lifting System for the benefit of both townships. Although Bethel Township is no longer servicing Bath Township, an agreement has been proposed for Bethel Township to lease the equipment at no charge from January 1, 2021 and terminate December 31, 2039. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-02-09-09 Trustee Don Minton moves to reinstate Robert Cook as a PPC Firefighter effective
February 08, 2021. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
Bethel Township Fire Department stats for January are as follows: Calls for service 187, Thursday being the busiest day. Mutual Aid: received 8, given 1. Incidents, 168
Chief Jacob King will discuss the following:
- Stipends: Increase # of positions and swing on busy days for adequate coverage.
- Pay rates: Chief King would like to do an assessment on surrounding counties looking into their pay scale.
- Hose replacement purchases: All sizes are needed. Chief Jacob King will look into pricing and make sure the hoses we purchase are compatible with New Carlisle’s unit.
- New rescue tools: Jaws of Life equipment no longer working correctly. Approx. $26,000.00 for spreader and cutter replacement.
- 3-D printer. Chief Jacob King would like to purchase a 3D printer mainly for the use of accountability tags. Printer will cost approx.. $300.00
- He will also give an update on Engine 51, Medic Units and Brush 54: Engine 51 will need complete engine swap. No repairs on suspension but does need two new air horns. Brush truck has a hole in the tank.
21-02-09-10 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the purchase of 200 tons of road salt from Cargill as requested by Justin Legge. The price will be $13,832.00 Second by Trustee Don Minton. This has been amended to 100 tons. R/C: All ayes.
Mailbox Fatalities from snowplows
Bonnie Hitchcock 309 Gordon Rd.
David Pfister 1055 Bischoff Rd.
James Rose 548 Bischoff Rd.
The work on the cruiser is complete. Vehicle runs fine now.
Work Session:
Trustee __ moves to set the work/special session for _______________ at __________
Second by Trustee __ R/C
Citizen comments open forum.
Citizens David Stevens of 2401 Enon Rd. Springfield, OH and Dale Gentz of 7868 Milton Carlisle Rd. New Carlisle, OH. Were present. The came to represent the opposition of the Scenic Mad River.
Just information:
Jacob King has taken on the task of organizing our cell phone account. The account now has the following administrators. Jacob King, Stacey McKenzie, and Rhonda Ledford. Thank You Jacob for handling this.
There is a Phase II NPDES MS4 Storm Water Report due. There will be a virtual meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 10:00 am.
Suburban Propane has been canceled and RD Holder has installed the new monitor on the propane tank at Donnelsville Lion’s Den.
The Mercy Health Breast Cancer mobile unit will be here Friday, April 2, 2021 from 9:00 am to 3:00 PM. They will stay here until nobody else comes.
Thoughts on holding a blood drive through the American Red Cross. Only one volunteer is needed, and they will use the conference room. 25 – 30 people must sign up.
Thoughts on having the American Red Cross come to Bethel Township and host “Sound the Alarm “program. They will come in on a Saturday, put notices on citizens doors and come back and install smoke detectors at NO COST to the citizens.
We have several applications for the part time road department position. The applicants are calling to check on their applications.
21-02-09-11 Trustee Don Minton moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:07 PM. Second by Trustee Dave Phares R/C: All ayes.
Donald K. Minton, Chairperson
David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson
Nancy K. Brown, Member
Stacey McKenzie, Fiscal Officer