2021 Sep 14

September 14, 2021 Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge:  Led by trustee Don Minton 

Prayer:  Led by Trustee Nancy Brown

In Attendance: Trustees Don Minton, Dave Phares and Nancy Brown, Fiscal Office Stacey McKenzie, Chief Jacob King and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford


Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

Citizen comments open forum:

Arthur Applegate who resides at 779 King Rd. spoke about the rental house located at 524 Winchester.  Debris in yard and now several cars parked in the yard.  There is also a camper in the driveway with people living in it.

 21-09-14-01 Trustee Don Minton moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C:  All ayes. 

21-09-14-02 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the bills, check numbers 65189 through 65242 and ACH deductions 998-2021 through 1086-2021 in the total amount of $ 83,073.82.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.      

21-09-14-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of August 24, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C:  All ayes.




21-09-14-04 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve a then and now invoice from MD Lewis Painting to install new downspouts on the building at Raynor Park and the Bethel Township Community Center.  The cost is $700.00.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes. 

21-09-14-05 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve a resolution to pass the 2022 “Original Certificate of Estimated Resources” from the county auditor and accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie stated each Trustee has a copy and this report does not include any ARP funding.

21-09-14-06 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve MD. Painting to spray paint the three picnic tables at Raynor Park for $150.00.  Bethel Township will be responsible for the paint purchase.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

The Clark County Township Association Quarterly meeting is Thursday, September 23, 2021, sat 6:00 PM at Windy Knoll Derby Banquet Facility.  How many should I make a reservation for? Reservations needed for Don Minton, Dave Phares, Nancy & Bud Brown, and Rhonda Ledford.  Stacey McKenzie unsure.

Gateway Business Group will be hosting the Meet Your Candidates on Sept. 22, 2021, at the Bethel Township Community Center.  Hours are 6-8PM.  

21-09-14-07 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to declare each of the following properties a separate nuisance to be abated:  Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.

815 Edgewick.  Two antique cars that have been parked on the street for so long that the asphalt has caved in. Flat tires on vehicles.

851 Cliffside.  Empty rental house.  Tall grass, debris all over yard. Pool in yard that is not taken care of.

539 Winchester.  Front yard is mowed however the back yard has extremely tall grass and debris

364 Winchester.  Cars parked on corner of Grove with expired tags.

331 Winchester. Tall grass and debris all over the yard.

524 Winchester.  Tall grass, debris in yard, old pool and trampoline that is not in use.  Rental property.

411 Winchester.  Rental house.  Junk vehicle parked on side of house.  Tall grass, debris.

1308 Styer.  Junk vehicle parked in yard that has been there for over a year.  Tall grass. Sidewalk unpassable due to brush growing in the fence line.

218 Sycamore.  Rental property.  No trash service.  Burning their trash & neighbors are complaining of the smell and the embers.

1111 Styer.   Rental property.  Debris in yard.  Large swimming pool with green water.

50 Andrews Lane.  Tall grass

82 Andrews Lane, Tall grass


21-09-14-08 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve Cody King to attend a Fire Inspection course in October.  Following are the associated costs. Second by trustee Don Minton.  

R/C: All ayes. 

Hotel-$384 aprox.

Class- $565


Meals- 4 Days-not sure what the daily average is….

Mileage- 232miles round trip

21-09-14-09 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve a then and now purchase for the Bethel Township Fire Department. Six (6) PAPR system kits, full hood, belt mount PPE equipment needed due to the current Covid situation.  The cost is $1,602.16 each.  The total will be $9,612.96.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.  Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie has already paid this invoice, but the money will be reallocated from the ARP Funding account.

21-09-14-10 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve Larry Trusty to the Part Time Program.  He will be PPC/PT. Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

21-09-14-11 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve the hiring of Gabriel Rowley and Daniel Fairchild.   Rowley is a FF II and EMT. Daniel Fairchild has no certificates but is a township resident.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.  

21-09-14-12 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve Ed’s Heating & Cooling to install I-Wave R air purifier 5-Ton capacity at Station #51 & 54.  The cost is $2,085.00 Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes This is to be paid for from the ARP Funding

Chief Jacob king reported that the previously approved camera system will be install on September 23, 24 and 25th.  The HVAC system for station 51 will be installed on September 15, 2021


21-09-14-13 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve Ken’s Tree Service to remove the dead tree on Queen Rd and the dead branch that hangs over queen Rd.  The cost is $600.00 for the tree and $100.00 for the branch They will take the wood away.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

Aspen Rd. Discussion. Citizens have reported that they ride their bikes through this opening to gain access to the lakes in the evening.  Now they can no longer do this.  The concern was also made at a previous meeting by Chief King that if there is an accident on Gerlaugh Road, it could cost valuable time for the engines and paramedics responding to a call.  Chief King states opening Aspen Rd. could solve this problem.

Golf Carts discussion. Trustee Nancy Brown presented the letter from Attorney Andrew Pickering that Monroe Township has approved Golf Carts with certain stipulations.  The City of New Carlisle and the Village of Enon has reported that they have had no problems with the residents using Golf Carts. This will be discussed at a future meeting.


Work Session:   

21-09-14-14 Trustee Don Minton moves to set the special session for Nuisance on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 @ 3:00PM.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C:  All ayes.

21-09-14-15 Trustee Dave Phares moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 PM. 

Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.   R/C: All ayes.


                                                                                    Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                                    David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson


                                                                                    Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                                    Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer