May 25, 2021 Minutes
Bethel Township Trustees
3333 Lake Road
5:00 p.m.
Welcome and pledge: Led by Don Minton
Prayer: Nancy Brown
In Attendance: Trustee Don Minton, Trustee Nancy Brown, Trustee Dave Phares, Fiscal officer Stacey McKenzie. Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford was absent due to family matter. Minutes taken by Trustee Nancy Brown.
Announcements: Community Housing and Impact Preservations (CHIP) ZOOM meeting June 1 at 1:30 p.m. for all trustees and the township coordinator.
21-05-25-01 Trustee Don Minton moves to accept the agenda as amended. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-05-21-02 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64882 through 64937 and ACH deductions of 581-2021 through 615-2021 in the amount of $40,984.22. Second by Trustee Phares. R/C All ayes
21-05-25-03 Trustee Phares moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of May 11, 2021. Second by Trustee Minton. R/C: All ayes.
Citizens Comments open forum.
Three residents expressed concern about the impending removal of the traffic light at the intersection of Styer and Cliffside in Park Layne. All are concerned with line-of-sight issues backing out of their driveways, as cars travel at such a high rate of speed in that area and the light is the only thing that gives them a safe opportunity to back out. One resident said he has had three trucks sideswiped and totaled while parked on the street in front of his house. Rich Dover asked for statistics on any traffic studies done in the area showing the intersection no longer justifies a light there since the school has been removed, and he would like information sent to him. He can be reached at 937-207-2151, or Trustee Minton will contact the sheriff’s office for records of accidents and speeding tickets, Trustee Phares will contact the Engineer’s Office for data, and Trustee Brown will contact the Transportation Office for their data. There was a discussion about possible traffic calming devices that may help, such as striping, rumble strips, speed humps, etc. The trustees will inquire if there is anything that would help.
The dumpster at Medlake Lion’s Den is under contract until March of 2022. Please do not use this dumpster as it is on COVID hold at no charge. Once it is dumped we must resume service on it.
21-05-25-04 Trustee Phares moved to pass a resolution supporting a grant application by the Clark County Park District, requesting a grant through Nature Works for handicap accessibility improvements at George Rogers Clark Park. Second by Trustee Brown. R/C: all ayes (See attached) (submitted to park district as 05-25-21-01)
21-05-25-05 Trustee Phares moved to approve contracting with Floors by Kevin to scrub, mop, and wax the entire tiled area at the rental building at Styer Park at a cost of $1,440.00 Second by Trustee Brown. R/C: all ayes. (There was a second bid from DJ&D Cleaning Services for $1,628.00.)
Chief King donated the signage letters from the Fire Department to use on the moveable sign donated by the Historical Society, so a motion to purchase new letters was not acted upon.
21-05-25-06 Trustee Phares moved to approve the purchase of 100 end caps for the metal chair legs at both Lion’s Den rental locations, at a cost of $54.95. Second by Trustee Brown. R/C: all ayes
21-05-25-07 Trustee Minton moved to declare each of the following properties a separate nuisance to be abated:
816 Weinland Dr. Vacant property with tall grass and debris in the yard.
161 Frayne. Vacant property, window boarded up, tall grass, debris in the yard.
1243 Klose. Vacant house, tall grass, mattress on the side of the house.
411 Rosewood Dr. Looks to be vacant, tall grass.
137 Beach Dr. Looks to be vacant, tall grass, trash and debris in yard. Several lots.
12086 Lower Valley Pike. House vacant, tall grass.
365 Weinland. Tall grass, junk in driveway along with vehicles. (Owner is deceased.)
113 Middle St., Medway. Debris throughout the yard.
3162 Lake Rd. Tall grass, trees growing over into neighbor’s yard. (Lois Gwin)
Second by Trustee Brown. R/C: all ayes, with the stipulation that nothing is to be removed from the property at 365 Weinland as the property may be in probate.
FYI: Clark County Community and Economic Development has deemed the following properties as unsafe structures:
Bishnow, Lake Rd. Front of building is collapsing and there is a hole in the roof.
Brickles. 536 Weinland St. Hole in roof.
21-05-25-08 Trustee Brown moved to approve spending up to $500 for landscaping at the Styer and Donnelsville Park rental buildings. Second by Trustee Phares. R/C: all ayes
21-05-25-09 Trustee Phares moved to approve paying for the meals for all elected officials, the township coordinator, and the fire chief to attend all Clark County Township Association quarterly meetings. The June meeting will be held June 16, 2021 at the German Township building.
Update on phone system: Due to COVID the necessary equipment has not yet arrived.
Update on fire station surveillance systems: Same as the phone system, waiting for parts.
A discussion was held concerning epoxy coating the bay floors of both fire stations, with costs estimated to be $25,000 for station 51 and $20,000 for station 54. No action was taken.
21-05-25-10 Trustee Brown moved to approve Crystal Clean to haul Dura-Patch waste away for the cost of $262.20 per barrel x 13 drums = $3408.60. Overpacks for drums that are not stable and need it will be $195.00 each, with an estimate of three drums needing it. Total cost to remove all drums is estimated at $3993.60, and there was a onetime service agreement of $195.00. Second by Trustee Phares. R/C: all ayes
21-05-25-11 Trustee Brown moved to approve buying 21 excess signposts from the Clark County Engineers for a cost of $250.00. Second by Trustee Phares. (This is a savings of $117.50.) R/C: all ayes
21-05-25-12 Trustee Minton moved to set the work session for Tuesday, June 1 at 2:30 p.m., with a special session following. The Special Sessions will be for the purpose of discussing a new hire for the road department, putting a police levy on the ballot, putting three fire renewal levies on the ballot, and any nuisance properties needing approval. Second by Trustee Phares.
Citizen comments open forum
None. Citizen comments were held at the beginning of the meeting (see above).
21-05-25-13 Trustee Brown moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 PM Second by Trustee Minton. R/C: all ayes
Donald K. Minton, Chairman
David A. Phares, Vice Chairman
Nancy K. Brown, Member
Stacey McKenzie, Fiscal Officer