2021 May 25

                                                           May 25, 2021 Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge:   Led by Don Minton

Prayer: Nancy Brown

In Attendance: Trustee Don Minton, Trustee Nancy Brown, Trustee Dave Phares, Fiscal officer Stacey McKenzie.  Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford was absent due to family matter.  Minutes taken by Trustee Nancy Brown.

Announcements:  Community Housing and Impact Preservations (CHIP) ZOOM meeting June 1 at 1:30 p.m. for all trustees and the township coordinator. 

 21-05-25-01 Trustee Don Minton moves to accept the agenda as amended.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.  

 21-05-21-02 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64882 through 64937 and ACH deductions of 581-2021 through 615-2021 in the amount of $40,984.22.  Second by Trustee Phares.  R/C All ayes   

21-05-25-03 Trustee Phares moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of May 11, 2021.  Second by Trustee Minton. R/C: All ayes.

Citizens Comments open forum.

Three residents expressed concern about the impending removal of the traffic light at the intersection of Styer and Cliffside in Park Layne. All are concerned with line-of-sight issues backing out of their driveways, as cars travel at such a high rate of speed in that area and the light is the only thing that gives them a safe opportunity to back out. One resident said he has had three trucks sideswiped and totaled while parked on the street in front of his house. Rich Dover asked for statistics on any traffic studies done in the area showing the intersection no longer justifies a light there since the school has been removed, and he would like information sent to him. He can be reached at 937-207-2151, or dover_richard@yahoo.com Trustee Minton will contact the sheriff’s office for records of accidents and speeding tickets, Trustee Phares will contact the Engineer’s Office for data, and Trustee Brown will contact the Transportation Office for their data. There was a discussion about possible traffic calming devices that may help, such as striping, rumble strips, speed humps, etc. The trustees will inquire if there is anything that would help.



The dumpster at Medlake Lion’s Den is under contract until March of 2022. Please do not use this dumpster as it is on COVID hold at no charge. Once it is dumped we must resume service on it.



21-05-25-04 Trustee Phares moved to pass a resolution supporting a grant application by the Clark County Park District, requesting a grant through Nature Works for handicap accessibility improvements at George Rogers Clark Park. Second by Trustee Brown. R/C: all ayes (See attached) (submitted to park district as 05-25-21-01)

21-05-25-05 Trustee Phares moved to approve contracting with Floors by Kevin to scrub, mop, and wax the entire tiled area at the rental building at Styer Park at a cost of $1,440.00 Second by Trustee Brown. R/C: all ayes. (There was a second bid from DJ&D Cleaning Services for $1,628.00.)

Chief King donated the signage letters from the Fire Department to use on the moveable sign donated by the Historical Society, so a motion to purchase new letters was not acted upon.

21-05-25-06 Trustee Phares moved to approve the purchase of 100 end caps for the metal chair legs at both Lion’s Den rental locations, at a cost of $54.95. Second by Trustee Brown. R/C: all ayes

21-05-25-07 Trustee Minton moved to declare each of the following properties a separate nuisance to be abated:

816 Weinland Dr.  Vacant property with tall grass and debris in the yard.

161 Frayne. Vacant property, window boarded up, tall grass, debris in the yard.

1243 Klose.  Vacant house, tall grass, mattress on the side of the house.

411 Rosewood Dr.  Looks to be vacant, tall grass.

137 Beach Dr.  Looks to be vacant, tall grass, trash and debris in yard. Several lots.

12086 Lower Valley Pike.  House vacant, tall grass.

365 Weinland.  Tall grass, junk in driveway along with vehicles. (Owner is deceased.)

113 Middle St., Medway.  Debris throughout the yard.

3162 Lake Rd.  Tall grass, trees growing over into neighbor’s yard. (Lois Gwin)

Second by Trustee Brown. R/C:  all ayes, with the stipulation that nothing is to be removed from the property at 365 Weinland as the property may be in probate.

FYI: Clark County Community and Economic Development has deemed the following properties as unsafe structures:

Bishnow, Lake Rd.  Front of building is collapsing and there is a hole in the roof.

Brickles.  536 Weinland St. Hole in roof.

21-05-25-08 Trustee Brown moved to approve spending up to $500 for landscaping at the Styer and Donnelsville Park rental buildings. Second by Trustee Phares. R/C: all ayes

21-05-25-09 Trustee Phares moved to approve paying for the meals for all elected officials, the township coordinator, and the fire chief to attend all Clark County Township Association quarterly meetings. The June meeting will be held June 16, 2021 at the German Township building.


Update on phone system: Due to COVID the necessary equipment has not yet arrived.

Update on fire station surveillance systems: Same as the phone system, waiting for parts. 

A discussion was held concerning epoxy coating the bay floors of both fire stations, with costs estimated to be $25,000 for station 51 and $20,000 for station 54. No action was taken.


21-05-25-10 Trustee Brown moved to approve Crystal Clean to haul Dura-Patch waste away for the cost of $262.20 per barrel x 13 drums = $3408.60. Overpacks for drums that are not stable and need it will be $195.00 each, with an estimate of three drums needing it. Total cost to remove all drums is estimated at $3993.60, and there was a onetime service agreement of $195.00. Second by Trustee Phares. R/C: all ayes

21-05-25-11 Trustee Brown moved to approve buying 21 excess signposts from the Clark County Engineers for a cost of $250.00. Second by Trustee Phares. (This is a savings of $117.50.) R/C: all ayes 


21-05-25-12 Trustee Minton moved to set the work session for Tuesday, June 1 at 2:30 p.m., with a special session following. The Special Sessions will be for the purpose of discussing a new hire for the road department, putting a police levy on the ballot, putting three fire renewal levies on the ballot, and any nuisance properties needing approval. Second by Trustee Phares. 

Citizen comments open forum

None. Citizen comments were held at the beginning of the meeting (see above).

21-05-25-13    Trustee Brown moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 PM Second by Trustee Minton. R/C: all ayes


                                                                                 Donald K. Minton, Chairman


                                                                                 David A. Phares, Vice Chairman


                                                                                 Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                                  Stacey McKenzie, Fiscal Officer   

2021 May 11

May 11, 2021 Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge: Led by Trustee Don Minton  

Prayer: Led by Trustee Nancy Brown.

In Attendance: Trustees Don Minton, Nancy Brown and Dave Phares, Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie, Chief Jacob King, Deputy Nick Moody and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford


Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

 21-05-11-01 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.   R/C:  All ayes. 

21-05-11-02 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64764 through 64900 and ACH deductions 482-2021 through 580-2021 in the amount of $ 93,677.85.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.       

21-05-11-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of May 4, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C:  All ayes.



The new contracts are sent in for Waste management. Now they have informed me that the one for the Medlake Lion’s Den is still under contract from the last contract.  Still working with them on this.   

21-05-11-04 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to declare each of the following properties a separate nuisance to be abated. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C:  All ayes.

703 Cliffside.  Tall grass

536 Weinland.  Tall grass, house has a hole in the roof and vehicle in driveway with flat tires.  

396 Stratmore St.  Tall grass 

3148 Lake Rd.  Grass overgrown, trash in yard. Rental property/vacant

7588 Milton Carlisle Rd.  Tall grass.

13 Dogwood.  Tall grass, old RV and junk vehicles.

Parcel #0100500025122023 (Lake Rd) Front of building collapsing, hole in roof.  Fence down in yard. This property appears to be a danger and very poorly secured.

851 Corvette.  Tall grass and debris in yard.  


Thoughts on hold a meeting at the Medlake Lion’s Den on aggregation discussions for the public? Trustee Nancy Brown will contact Joe Garrett to schedule a date.

Can we have the missionaries out to power wash the Donnelsville Lion’s Den? Yes, Trustee Nancy Brown will schedule weather permitting.

The new swings for Raynor Park are now in but the swing sets and the basketball hoops could use a coat of paint.  Missionaries or Road department? Trustee Don Minton will ask the painter that is painting the doors to shelter at Raynor Park.

Stacey McKenzie, Fiscal Officer informed the Township Trustees that an audit on the Care Funds expenditures is being performed. 


21-05-11-05 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve the hiring of David Dyess (Pending results of background check) Veronica Fox, Eric Humbert, Larry Trusty and Kristina Voshall to the Bethel Township Fire Dept. per request by Brian Ludwick.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes. All except David Dyess were sworn in by Trustee Don Minton


21-05-11-06 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve C&S Tree Service to remove a tree located at 406 Lakeshore that is on Bethel Townships right of way.  The tree will be taken down to ground level, and wood will be removed by C&S. The cost is $450.00.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.  C&S was called 05/12/21 and scheduled.  Owner Larry Hillard was also contacted.

Who will be cutting the grass at the Donnelsville Cemetery? Call Kolby Watson to cut before Memorial Day.

The Transportation Coordinating Committee will be holding their meeting on Friday, May 14, 2021 @ 10:30 am via Zoom if anyone would like to attend. Trustee Nancy Brown will attend.


Officer Nick Moody was introduced to the attendees.  He will replace Deputy Robert Durham.

Work Session:   

Trustee __ moves to set the work/special session for _______________ at __________
Second by Trustee __ R/C

Citizen comments open forum.

Tonya Carey attended the meeting to discuss the continuous dumping of foreign matter in the storm system by resident Sophie Fields who resides at 851 Corvette Ave.  Trustees informed Tonya that the County, Township and Sheriffs Department are all working together to help this individual out but it is a mental health issue and must be handled with care. 

21-05-11-07 Trustee Don Minton moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:02 PM Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C:  All ayes.


                                                                                      Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                                      David A. Phares, Vice-Chairperson


                                                                                      Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                                      Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer

2021 Apr 27

April 27, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge: Led by Don Minton  

Prayer: Led by Nancy Brown

In Attendance: Trustee Don Minton, Trustee Nancy Brown, Trustee Dave Phares, Deputy Durham, Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie, and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford.


Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

 21-04-27-01 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.   

21-04-27-02 Trustee Don Minton moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64688 through 64856 and ACH deductions 455-2021 through 484-2021 in the amount of $ 107,535.79.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C All ayes.     

21-04-27-03 Trustee Dave Phares moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of April 13, 2021 Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.


21-04-27-04 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve Bethel Township to enter into a 3-year contract with Waste management for the following locations: 

Station 51 for $50.44 (once a week) 3-yard

Styer Lion’s Den $53.25 (once a week) 4-yard (So far everyone that has rented has taken their own trash with no problems.) This one the trustees decided to cancel.

Raynor Park $53.25 (once a week) 4-yard

Station 54 $5051 (once every other week) 4 yard

Township Garage $48.69 (once every other week) 4 yard

Total for the month =$256.14 (Rumpke is $293.10 & Vince does not service this area, and Republic is $339.73)

Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

TRU Quality was contacted.  They come out the 3rd or 4th week in May to spray the cemeteries and other areas. 

C&S was contacted for an estimate on the tree removal at 406 Lakeshore.


21-04-27-05 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve the removal of the traffic signal at Styer and Cliffside in Park Layne.  The Clark County Engineers recommends that Bethel Township remove the signal, after posting the W3-H12 “Signal under study for removal” signs all four ways for 90 days.  During that time, the signal should be placed on flash, yellow on Styer and red on Cliffside Drive.  At the end of the 90 days, if accidents of type susceptible to correction by traffic signal control have not increased by more that two (2), remove the W3-H12 signal study signs and removal of the signal will be performed.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

21-04-27-06 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the resignation letter from Justin Legge Sr. submitted on April 16, 2021.  Justin will take two weeks’ vacation and his last day will be April 30, 2021.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes. No Precedent being made.

Thank you, Justin, for your work with Bethel Township.

Don would like to talk about the Dura Patch waste removal. Trustee Don Minton would like to be ready to go.  Maybe 2 or 3 barrels ready for the season.

The OTA needs your help. Please see the attached document. The OTA is looking for feed back on the cost of our projects, cost increases and impacts over time and how the increase to the force account limit would affect your capacity.  Trustee Dave Phares said he would give input.


Jacob will share info on levies.  Print out attached.

Work Session:   

21-04-27-07 Trustee Don Minton moves to set the work session for Tuesday, May 4, 2021 @ 4:30 PM.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C:  All ayes.

Citizen comments open forum.

21-04-27-08 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 PM.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.


                                                                           Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                           David A. Phares, Vice-Chairperson


                                                                           Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                           Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer

2021 Apr 13

April 13, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge:  Led by Don Minton 

Prayer: Led by Dave Phares

In Attendance: Trustee Don Minton, Trustee Dave Phares, Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie, Chief Jacob King, Deputy Robert Durham, and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford.  Trustee Nancy Brown was out of town.


Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

 21-04-13-01 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Don Minton R/C:  All ayes. 

21-04-13-02 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64744 through 64813 and ACH deductions 360-2021 thru 452-2021 in the amount of $122,917.72.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.       

21-04-13-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of March 23, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.



21-04-13-04 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the Medway Historical Society to use the Styer Lion’s Den for no charge on Thursday thru Saturday, September 2nd thru the 4th for their annual garage sale.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

Trustee _____moves to approve Bethel Township to enter into a 3-year contract with Waste management for the following locations: 

Station 51 for $50.44 (once a week) 3-yard

Styer Lion’s Den $53.25 (once a week) 4-yard

Raynor Park $53.25 (once a week) 4-yard

Station 54 $5051 (once every other week) 4 yard

Township Garage $48.69 (once every other week) 4 yard

Total for the month =$256.14 (Rumpke is $293.10 & Vince does not service this area)

No action was taken until further info provided.

21-04-13-05 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve Porta-Kleen to install one unit in Raynor Park.  The quoted amount is $75.00 per month with a one-time fee of $35.00 to deliver.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes. Starting month of June ending in October.

Medway Historical Society would like to donate 16 or 17 almost new tables to the Styer Lion’s Den but would like to obtain the right to use the tables if they would ever need them. 

The Township thanks the Medway Historical Society for their generous contribution.


21-04-13-06 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the contract with Applied Mechanical Systems for the preventive maintenance agreement on station 51.  The price is $1,250.00 and the duration is from December 1, 2020 until November 30, 2021.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.


21-04-13-07 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve Applied Mechanical Systems for the preventive maintenance contract on the Infra-Red heaters at Donnelsville Fire Station and Station 51.  The cost of the contract is $500.00.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

Chief Jacob King provided the following stats for March 2021.

Total calls 173, Good intent 31, Structure fires 4, Other fires 6, Weather/disaster 5, Auto accidents 10 and EMS calls 117.


21-04-13-08 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the hiring of John W. Kingery for the Bethel Township road department pending the outcome of his driver’s license, drug, and background check.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.


21-04-13-09 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve the following addition to the rules of township road department employees.  The Bethel Township Board of Trustees hereby confirms that the following work rules apply to employees of the township’s Road Department. Originally published in the 2002 Bethel Township Policy and Procedures Manual Section 4.1, and in subsequent updates, the trustees have made revisions for clarification in the 2021 edition. Printed copies of the rules are available immediately to all township employees and the general public. The revisions take effect as of the date of this resolution, April 13, 2021.

The Board of Trustees also confirms that, as of this date, April 13, 2021, all such rules shall be enforced against all employees of the Road Department and that violation of these rules’ subjects any of them to discipline, up to and including termination. All discipline will be done regarding conduct occurring after April 13, 2021. Future discipline will not be waived based on any past conduct that would have violated these rules.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

ADDENDUM: Month changed from March to April

Please see attached document.


Work Session:   

21-04-13-10 Trustee Don Minton moves to set the work session for Bethel Township Road Department on Thursday, April 22, 2021 @ 2:30 PM. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.

Citizen comments open forum.

George Thomas, 37 Aspen Dr.  came to the office and stated that the new lights on the north side of the township building shines into his home.  He would like for us to put a shield to deflect the light from his house.  Chief Jacob King will investigate this and try to look for a solution.

851 Corvette: Madison Leach, Tonya Carey, Mark Carey and Amanda Wallace (all neighbors to 851 Corvette) discussed the situation of Sophie Fields dumping human waste in the storm water drain in front of her house. They stated she has not running water or electricity in her home.  Her family has washed their hands of her and does not want to be involved. 

The Township has contacted the Clark County Combined Health District, Larry Shafer and Glen Vomderembse with the Ohio EPA..

Amanda Wallace spoke about her property at 119 Dogwood Medway, OH.  She stated that she would like the Deputy to speak with the neighbors who continually park in her yard.  Deputy Durham gave her one of his cards and asked her to call him the next time that an occurrence happens, and he will speak with them.

21-04-13-11 Trustee Dave Phares moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:46 PM.  Second by Trustee Don Minton R/C: All ayes.


                                                                         Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                          David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson


                                                                          Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                          Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer

2021 Mar 23

March 23, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge:   Led by Trustee Don Minton

Prayer: Led by Trustee Nancy Brown

In Attendance: Trustee Don Minton, Nancy Brown and Dave Phares, Deputy Robert Durham, Chief Jacob King, Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford


Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

 21-03-23-01 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C:  All ayes. 

21-03-23-02 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64706 through 64743 and ACH deductions 332-2021 through 359-2021 in the amount of $44989.49.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.       

21-03-23-03 Trustee Dave Phares moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting on March 9, 2021.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes








21-03-23-04 Trustee Don Minton moves to declare each of the following properties a separate nuisance to be abated: Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C:  All ayes

  1. 10431 W. National Rd.  Trash not collected for some time.  Working with Clark County on removal of vehicles.

21-03-23-05 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve the hiring of one person to clean the Lion’s Dens, keep track of traffic tickets and perform various jobs.  The pay scale shall be 13.00 per hour. Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes. 

(We do have an application on file for this person) This is pending the background check, drug screening and drivers license check all coming back acceptable.

21-03-23-06 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve Bethel Township to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with Board of Clark County Commissioners for CDL Drug/Alcohol Testing Consortium.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

21-03-23-07 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve New View Property Maintenance to service the Donnelsville playground throughout the season.  The cost is $175.00.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

21-03-23-08 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve New View Property Maintenance to service the Raynor Park playgrounds throughout the season.  The cost is $250.00.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

21-03-23-09 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve Tru-Quality Services to service the ball diamonds at North Hampton (2 diamonds) and Gerlaugh Rd. (5 diamonds) 2 times a year at the cost of $750.00 per season.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes. 

21-03-23-10 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve Tru-Quality Services to treat 10 Bethel Township Cemeteries at the cost of 1552.00 per application.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

(New View Property maintenance is $1,600.00)

21-03-23-11 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve Tru-Quality Services to treat Park Layne Manor curbs at the cost of 863.00 per application.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

(New View property Maintenance is $1,800.00)

21-03-23-12 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve Tru-Quality Services to treat the township guardrails, poles, and culverts.  The cost is $1,738.00.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.


21-03-23-13 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve Ohio TeleCom to install a new phone system in Station #51 along with Station #54 being covered by IP Remote Phones (must have internet to use) There is no monthly fee quoted.  The cost of product and installation is $8,426.25. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes. Check to see the OSHA requirements for the township garage.

Trustee _____moves to approve COPP Systems to install a new phone system in Station 51,and  Fire Station 54.  The cost for installation and product is with a monthly bill of $864.60.  See paperwork that was handed out during the work session on March 16. Second by Trustee _____R/C: No action was taken at this time.

21-03-23-14 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve the proposal submitted by Low Voltage Solutions for the surveillance systems for Station 51, and Donnelsville Fire Station 54.  The cost is $16,088.80 (quote 21-7041) Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

The Lion’s Dens and Raynor Park will not be included. To be paid for from Fire Department funds.

21-03-23-15 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to accept the resignation of Jacob Orr from Bethel Township Fire Department PPC and PT, effective March 18, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.  Thank you, Jacob, for your service!

21-03-23-16 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve Ross Angelo to move to the PT program but will still remail on the PPC program.  Effective March 23, 2021.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.


21-03-23-17 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the proposal from C & S Tree Service in the amount of $1,400.00 to remove trees located at 1222 Whaley Rd and 9981 Union Rd. The brush and wood will be removed but the stumps will not.  Second by trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

21-03-23-18 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve Bethel Township to participate in the ODOT annual road salt bid.  Bethel Township agrees to order 350 Tons of road salt.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes. Submitted to ODOT on 3/234/2021


Work Session:   

Trustee __ moves to set the work/special session for _______________ at __________
Second by Trustee __ R/C

Just Info:

Crystal Lake Speed bump: Chief Jacob King requested it not be reinstalled after damaged by the snowplow.  It adds over 1 minute to his response time for an emergency.

Pat Banazak wants to use land to grow corn: More information is needed.

Spring Clean-up. Don Minton will organize.

Citizen comments open forum.

Joe Garrett will speak on aggregation. Joe did not attend.

21-03-23-19 Trustee Dave Phares moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:43PM.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.


                                                                                        Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                                        David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson


                                                                                        Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                                        Stacey McKenzie, Fiscal Officer

2021 Mar 9

March 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge:   Led by Don Minton

Prayer: Led by Nancy Brown

In Attendance: Trustees Don Minton, Nancy Brown & Dave Phares, Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie, Chief Jacob King, Deputy Robert Durham and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford

Announcements:   Nancy brown shared that there are local agencies partnering to give free rides to the Upper Valley Mall for Covid Shots.

Nancy Brown also shared that Bethel Township will be hosting the Mercy Health mammograms on April 2, 2021 from 9:00am to 3:00 PM.

Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

 21-03-09-01 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C:  All ayes. 

21-03-09-02 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64672 through 64705 and ACH deductions 229-2021 through 331-2021 in the amount of $117,331.75.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.       

21-03-09-03 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of February 23, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C:  All ayes.








The 1st quarter Clark County Combined Health District DAC meeting is Thursday, March 25, 2021 

21-03-09-04 Trustee Nancy Brown makes a motion to enter into a  twenty-four month NYMEX plus fixed  adder, for Bethel Townships natural gas aggregation program, and authorizes Trustee Nancy Brown to sign the contract.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes. 


21-03-09-05 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to accept the resignation of Christopher Herrly from the Bethel Township Fire Department effective March 8. 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.  Thank you, Christopher Herrly, for your time served.

21-03-09-06 Trustee Nancy Brown approved for the promotions of Craig Hillman to Lieutenant, and Shaun Arthur & Brandon Warner to Fire Fighters in Charge effective March 7, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C:  All ayes. 

Jacob King informed the board that the 2013 Engine 54 has some problems with the front springs being broke.  The engine is in the repair shop now but there has been not cost given on the repairs.  He will submit a repair cost as soon as its available.


21-03-09-07 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve the purchase of six (6) road signs from Newman Signs, Inc. in the amount of $275.05.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

Please check the spelling on the signs to be made.


Work Session:   

21-03-09-08 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to set the work session for Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 1:00 PM.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

Citizen comments open forum. Attendees were Mr. & Mrs. Ned Barnes, Bath Township Trustee Steve Ross & Tom Pitstick.

Bath Township Trustees.

Bath Township Trustees Steve Ross and Tom Pitstick presented a plaque to the Bethel Township Trustees and Chief Jacob King for their service to Bath Township residents.

Joe Garrett from Trebel will be talking about our aggregation program.

Joe Garrett did not attend in person however; he did provide the citizens attending and the Trustees with a conference call.  All citizens and township trustees felt their questions were answered. Joe will attend the March 23, 2021 board meeting.

21-03-09-09 Trustee Dave Phares moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 PM.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.


                                                                           Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                            David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson


                                                                            Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                            Stacey McKenzie, Fiscal Officer

2021 Feb 23

February 23, 2021 Meeting Agenda

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge: Led by Don Minton   

Prayer: Led by Nancy Brown

In Attendance:  Trustee Don Minton, Trustee Dave Phares, Trustee Nancy Brown, Chief Jacob King, Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie, and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford


Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

 21-02-23-01 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares R/C: All ayes.  

21-02-23-02 Trustee Don Minton moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64625 through 64671 and the ACH deductions of 200-2021 through 228-2021 in the amount of $ 65,248.39 Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.       

21-02-23-03 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting on February 9, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.








21-02-23-04 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the Wee Arrows Cheerleading to use the Styer Lion’s Den at no charge for Saturday, November 27, 2021.  This is for their fundraiser and they have used in the past.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

Trustee _____ moves to approve licensed Physical Fitness instructor, Sherry Leone to hold classes in the Styer Lion’s Den weekday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 PM.  The classes will be open to the public.  She carries her own insurance and will have participants sign a release of lien concerning the township.  She would like to pay the township $25.00 per class, which she would like to hold twice a week.  Second by Trustee _____.  R/C: No action was taken at this time.  Will discuss in work session.

21-02-23-05 Trustee Dave Phares moves to discontinue brush pick up in the township. We will refer the calls to C & S or similar company to do their own recycling.   Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.  This decision was made due to the chipper being down and beyond repair.

21-02-23-06 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve the amended certificate of estimated resources by the Clark County Auditor in the amount of $5,499,414.22.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes. 

21-02-23-07 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve and pass the supplemental revenue budget as presented by Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie in the amount of $2,308,784.00.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.

21-02-23-08 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve and pass the permanent appropriations as presented by the Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie in the amount of $4,352.228.55.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.


  We had a donation of $40.00 dropped off Saturday, February 20, 2021 in the name of Kenneth Meixner of 110 Emerson Dr. for the fire department.  Carol Lacourse, his caretaker praised the help of our fire/EMS personnel for their care when they were called to the Meixner residence twice.  KUDOS!

21-02-23-09 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the purchase of the LifePak service agreement renewal in the amount of $4,800.00.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

21-02-23-10 Trustee Nancy Brown move to approve the hiring of Triston Rowland and Anthony Kassinger to the PPC program.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.

21-02-23-11 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve reimbursement of $1,350.00 to Brandon Matthieu for level II firefighter training.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.

21-02-23-12 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve the purchase from Vogelpohl for different size hoses in the amount of $12,994.40 and the purchase of nozzles from Darley in the amount of $6,735.60.  The total will be $19,730.00.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

21-02-23-13 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve First Arriving to create and host the department website which will also include the townships information.  The cost will be $3,145.00 with a monthly fee of $99.00 a month for a two-year contract.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes. All money for this website will be paid for out of the Fire Departments funding.



21-02-23-14 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the replacement of the pole and globe to a streetlight in Medway.  The streetlight was damaged Friday, Jan. 15th, 2021 due to an auto accident (Crash report 12-0033-12) The cost from Capital Electric is approx.. $2,345.00 for materials only and approx.. $1,250.00 for labor.  We currently owe them $500.00 for the service call.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes. Insurance Co. will be invoiced for this.

A new order was put in for 100 tons of salt on Friday, Feb. 19, 2021.  (order # 5614396) The last order was cut to 100 tons per Dave Phares.  The new order will be delivered this week.


Work Session: 

Stacey would like to call a work/special session to discuss some items.  

21-02-23-15 Trustee Don Minton moves to set the work session for Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 1:00 PM. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.

21-02-23-16 Trustee Dave Phares moves to go into executive session at 6:32 PM. and adjourn at 7:21PM.  Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.

No actions were taken at this time. 

Citizen comments open forum.

Just info:

VerCom was called on Friday, Feb. 10, 2021 due to the telephone lines not working.  The service call was $200.00.

The storm water report for 2020 has been submitted.

The EPA will be doing an inspection of the Lion’s Den in Donnelsville.  They will collect indoor and outdoor air and vapor sampling.  Rhonda Ledford will meet with them.

21-02-23-17 Trustee Dave Phares moves to adjourn the meeting at 7:22PM. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.


                                                                                          Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                                          David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson


                                                                                          Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                                           Stacey L.  McKenzie, Fiscal Officer  

2021 Feb 9

February 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge:  Led by Don Minton 

Prayer: Led by Dave Phares

In Attendance: Don Minton, Dave Phares, Stacey McKenzie, Chief Jacob King, Deputy Durham and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford.  Nancy Brown was absent due to being out of town.


Citizen comments relating to agenda items: None.  

 21-02-09-01Trustee Don Minton moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.

  R/C:  all ayes. 

21-02-09-02 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64594 through 64624 and ACH payments 108-2021 through 199-2021in the amount of $68,817.94.  Second by Trustee Don Minton R/C: All ayes.      

21-02-09-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of January 26, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares R/C: All ayes.








Trustee __ moves to declare each of the following properties a separate nuisance to be abated:  

Second by Trustee __ R/C: No properties currently.

21-02-09-04 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve that Rhonda Ledford, township coordinator, rent the Styer Lion’s Den at the rate of $800.00 for the week of March 8, 2021 through March 12, 2021 to American Sun Crafters. (Last year’s rate was $300.00) Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.

21-02-09-05 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve that all passwords pertaining to Bethel Township shall be stored in a book maintained by Rhonda Ledford, Township Coordinator, AND Chief Jacob King.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

21-02-09-06 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve Chief Jacob King as the administrator for the IT-Server System.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

21-02-09-07 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve VerCom Systems, Inc. to install a new phone at the front door.  The cost is $749.99 Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

Our Amazon account has been suspended due to the issues of tax.  Stacey has sent the proper paperwork in several time to be tax exempt.  There are still tax charges. Board of Trustees advised to look at other townships and see if they can help get this matter corrected. 


21-02-09-08 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the agreement between Bath Township and Bethel Township. Bath Township has purchased a Lucus Chest Compression System, Lucus battery, Lucus Power cord, and a Stryker Pro Ambulance Cot Lifting System for the benefit of both townships.  Although Bethel Township is no longer servicing Bath Township, an agreement has been proposed for Bethel Township to lease the equipment at no charge from January 1, 2021 and terminate December 31, 2039. Second by Trustee Don Minton.   R/C: All ayes.

21-02-09-09 Trustee Don Minton moves to reinstate Robert Cook as a PPC Firefighter effective 

February 08, 2021.   Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.

Bethel Township Fire Department stats for January are as follows: Calls for service 187, Thursday being the busiest day.  Mutual Aid: received 8, given 1.  Incidents, 168

Chief Jacob King will discuss the following:

  1. Stipends: Increase # of positions and swing on busy days for adequate coverage.
  2. Pay rates: Chief King would like to do an assessment on surrounding counties looking into their pay scale.
  3. Hose replacement purchases: All sizes are needed.  Chief Jacob King will look into pricing and make sure the hoses we purchase are compatible with New Carlisle’s unit.
  4. New rescue tools: Jaws of Life equipment no longer working correctly.  Approx. $26,000.00 for spreader and cutter replacement.
  5. 3-D printer. Chief Jacob King would like to purchase a 3D printer mainly for the use of accountability tags.  Printer will cost approx.. $300.00 
  6. He will also give an update on Engine 51, Medic Units and Brush 54:  Engine 51 will need complete engine swap.  No repairs on suspension but does need two new air horns.  Brush truck has a hole in the tank.


21-02-09-10 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the purchase of 200 tons of road salt from Cargill as requested by Justin Legge. The price will be $13,832.00   Second by Trustee Don Minton.  This has been amended to 100 tons.  R/C:  All ayes.

Mailbox Fatalities from snowplows

Bonnie Hitchcock 309 Gordon Rd.

David Pfister 1055 Bischoff Rd.

James Rose 548 Bischoff Rd.


The work on the cruiser is complete.  Vehicle runs fine now. 

Work Session:   

Trustee __ moves to set the work/special session for _______________ at __________
Second by Trustee __ R/C

Citizen comments open forum.

Citizens David Stevens of 2401 Enon Rd.  Springfield, OH and Dale Gentz of 7868 Milton Carlisle Rd.  New Carlisle, OH.   Were present.  The came to represent the opposition of the Scenic Mad River.

Just information:

Jacob King has taken on the task of organizing our cell phone account.  The account now has the following administrators. Jacob King, Stacey McKenzie, and Rhonda Ledford. Thank You Jacob for handling this.

There is a Phase II NPDES MS4 Storm Water Report due.  There will be a virtual meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 10:00 am.  

Suburban Propane has been canceled and RD Holder has installed the new monitor on the propane tank at Donnelsville Lion’s Den. 

The Mercy Health Breast Cancer mobile unit will be here Friday, April 2, 2021 from 9:00 am to 3:00 PM.  They will stay here until nobody else comes.

Thoughts on holding a blood drive through the American Red Cross. Only one volunteer is needed, and they will use the conference room. 25 – 30 people must sign up.

Thoughts on having the American Red Cross come to Bethel Township and host “Sound the Alarm “program.  They will come in on a Saturday, put notices on citizens doors and come back and install smoke detectors at NO COST to the citizens.

We have several applications for the part time road department position.  The applicants are calling to check on their applications.

21-02-09-11 Trustee Don Minton moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:07 PM. Second by Trustee Dave Phares R/C:  All ayes.


                                                                                  Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                                  David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson


                                                                                   Nancy K. Brown, Member    


                                                                                   Stacey McKenzie, Fiscal Officer                                   

2021 Jan 12

January 12, 2021 Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge: Led by Don Minton  

Prayer: Led by Nancy Brown

In Attendance: Don Minton, Dave Phares, Nancy Brown, Stacey McKenzie, Jacob King and Rhonda Ledford

Announcements:  Two trucks down in the road department.  The 2010 may be looking at a new engine.    

Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

 21-01-12-01 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C:  All ayes. 

21-01-12-02 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64522 through 64554 and ACH deductions 1-2021 through 29-2021 in the total amount of $52,227.34. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C:  All ayes.       

21-01-12-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the closeout meeting of December 29, 2020 and the reorganization meeting on January 4, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares R/C: All ayes.



Locks were purchased on January 6, 2021, for the dumpsters at Raynor Park and the Styer Lion’s Den.  They have been installed. I have asked the road crew to take trash from cans back to township building dumpsters until we resume our dumpster service. Key was given to Don Minton and the other one will be at the township office.

Are we ready to open back up the Lion’s Den in Donnelsville and Styer?  Individuals are calling to rent along with Natalie Jackson for the sports season. We will be contacting the CCCHD to see their recommendation. Their recommendation was to follow the guidelines set by Gov. Dewine.  Ten (10) people in building at one time.  Masks must be worn, one entrance and one exit.  

The telephone outside the front door still is not working. Craig from Veracom will be her Tuesday, January 19, 2021.  Telephone system is obsolete, but we will try to patch until further notice.  May try a wireless doorbell so that we can tell when people are at door. 


The road crew, except Justin, is still wanting to rid themselves of the cell phones made available to them. Here are their concerns: 

  1.  They have investigated the repeater and has found that it still works and is in operation until 2024.  They have tested the radios provided by the fire department and found they still reach all the boarders of the township. The fire department still has radios that the road crew can use.
  2. 2. They have spoke with the Clark County Sheriffs office and found that it is illegal for them to use the cell phones due to their CDL license while driving. 
  3. Saving money for cell phones that are not in use. The AT&T account alone is being charged $130.66 a month for phones that are not used. ($1567.92 yearly)
  4. They can radio each other when done with a job and ask the other road crew members where they need help at. They consider this much more effective. 

Dave Phares stated he will discuss with the road crew.





21-01-12-04 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve Rhonda Ledford and any elected officer and fire chief to participate in OTA online classes on Feb. 1-5th.   The cost is $100.00 each if not a member and $65.00 if a member.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.


Chief Jacob King announced that the following PPC employees will now be hired as part time while remaining as PPC employees: Malachi Cromlish, Abby Pearson Saunders and Ryan Hartman.

Chief Jacob King requested to go into executive session at 6.50 PM.  As a result of the discussion in executive session, no actions were taken.  Adjourn at 7:09 PM

Calls for 2020: 2252 total. 1444 EMS, 579 good intent, 146 auto accidents, 61 other fire and 19 house fires.

YTD: 78 runs.


Road milage 58.198 per mile to certify roads to state.


21-01-12-05 Trustee Nancy Brown to approves dispatch contract for $48,452.00 for a period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Payments will be made on February 1, 2021 in the amount of $24,226.00 and August 1, 2021 in the amount of $24,226.00.   Second by Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes

Work Session:   

21-01-12-06 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to set the work/special session for 5:00 PM on January 19, 2021 at
Second by Trustee __ R/C

Citizen comments open forum.

Joy McDaniel attended the meeting.  She discussed the Scenic Mad River and requested that Bethel Township Trustees not sign their petition. 

21-01-12-07 Trustee Dave Phares moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 PM Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.


                                                                               Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                                David A. Phares, Vice Chair


                                                                                Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                                Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer

2021 Jan 4 Reorganization Meeting

Bethel Township Reorganization Meeting
January 04, 2021, 5:00 pm
3333 Lake Road
Welcome and pledge: Led by Stacey McKenzie
Prayer: Led by Nancy Brown
Present: Nancy Brown, Dave Phares, Don Minton, Stacey McKenzie, Brian Ludwig, and Rhonda Ledford
Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie requests nominations for 2021 Chairperson.
21-01-04-01 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Don Minton as 2021 Chairperson. Second by Trustee
Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-02 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Dave Phares 2021 Vice-Chairman. Second by Trustee
Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to leave regular session and enter executive session at 5:08 PM to
discuss compensation of personnel. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-04 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to leave executive session and re-enter regular session at 5:50 PM.
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-05 Trustee Dave Phares moves to set township meeting dates and times as follows: 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays at 5:00 PM at 3333 Lake Road. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-06 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to keep Wes Banco as township depository bank per contract.
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-07 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the trustees by the salary method for the 2021 calendar year.
Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-08 Trustee Don Minton moves to appoint Trustee Dave Phares as road superintendent for the 2021
calendar year. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-09 Trustee Dave Phares moves to appoint Rhonda Ledford as Township Coordinator for the year
2021 at a rate of ($16.60) $16.60 per hour. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-10 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Ray Nelson as a consultant for the Township for the year
2021 at a rate of ($22.00) $22.00 per hour. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C. All ayes.
21-01-04-11 Trustee Don Minton moves to appoint Mike Allender as road maintenance worker for the year
2021 at a rate of ($18.80) $19.10 per hour. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-12 Trustee Dave Phares moves to appoint Justin Legge as road maintenance worker for the year 2021
at a rate of ($18.80) $19.10 per hour. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-13 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the uniform (pants only) rental for the full-time road
employees. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-14 Trustee Don Minton moves to pay Dan Berner as a part time employee ($13.85) $14.50 per hour
for the year 2021 Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-15 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay Joe Monnin and Jeff Anderson as a part time employee
($13.10) $13.75 per hour for the year 2021 Second by Trustee Don Minton R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-16 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pay any new part-time road employees at the rate of ($12.35) $
13.00 per hour for the year 2021. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-17 Trustee Dave Phares moves to set full time road employees’ sick leave in accordance with Sec.
124.38 ORC and vacation leave in accordance with Sec. 325.19 and paid holidays as defined in Sec. 1.14 ORC
(New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. If all employees agree they may move one
holiday to the day after Thanksgiving. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-18 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Jacob King as Fire Chief at an annual rate of ($17,500)
$17,500.00. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-19 Trustee Don Minton moves to appoint Duane Stitzel as Fire Marshall Program Director at an
hourly pay rate of $(20.60) $20.60 and paid per call at the same rate. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All
21-01-04-20 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Chris Ludwick as Assistant Chief at an annual rate of
($15,500) per year $15,500.00. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-21 Trustee Dave Phares moves to appoint Brian Ludwick as Assistant Chief at an annual rate of
($15,500) per year $15,500.00. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-22 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay all fire captains at a rate of ($4,300.) $4,300.00 per year.
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-23 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay all fire lieutenants at a rate of ($3,300.) $3,300.00 per year.
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-24 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay members of the Bethel Township Fire Department at the
following rates, including one hour of pay per regular training session and total hours worked for special
trainings, as determined by the fire chief:
Trainee current minimum wage
Fire certified $11.35 per hour ($11.35)
EMT $13.40 per hour ($13.40)
EMT-I $14.45 per hour ($14.45)
Paramedic $16.50 per hour ($16.50)
Stipends pay for the paid per call program with a maximum of 7 positions each night.
Single Cert $30.00 ($30.00)
FF/EMT $35.00 ($35.00)
FF/EMT Adv $40.00 ($40.00)
FF/Medic $45.00 ($45.00)
Officer $30.00 ($30.00)
All pay raises were put on hold and will be revisited next meeting with Chief Jacob King in attendance.
Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-25 Trustee Dave Phares moves to appoint the following to the Volunteer Fire Fighters’ Dependents
Fund: 1. Chief Jacob King 2. Nick Carpenter 3. Chairman, Nancy Brown 4. Treasurer, Stacey McKenzie 5.
Rhonda Ledford
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: Nancy Brown will serve as chairperson of the committee.
21-01-04-26 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pay all part time and paid per call employees of the Bethel
Township Fire Department double time for hours worked and stipend pay on and New Year’s Eve, New Years’
Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, effective
January 1, 2021. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
Trustee _ moves to appoint Libby Reese as clerk’s assistant at a rate of ($13.85) $_______ per hour.
Second by Trustee __. R/C: Libby has retired.
21-01-04-27 Trustee Don Minton moved to retain Donnelsville Cemetery fees as follows:
Open and close grave Weekdays $700. B/4 2 pm $800. after 2p m
Weekends $1,000.
Holidays $1,100.
Cremation or infant burial Weekdays $500. B/4 2 pm $750. after 2 pm
Weekends $600. B/4 2 pm $750. after 2 pm
Holidays $600. B/4 2 pm $750. after 2 pm
And to retain the cost of burial sites for township residents as follows:
8 graves $2,400.
4 graves $1,200.
2 graves $600.
1 grave $300.
Cost of burial sites for non-residents will remain as follows:
8 graves $3,600.
4 graves $1,800.
2 graves $900.
1 grave $450.
And to charge $.65 per square inch for pouring cemetery foundations and to charge $100 for military markers.
Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-28 Trustee Dave Phares moves to set limits of $500 for indigent burials, this in addition to lot, marker,
vault, and opening and closing of the grave. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-29 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to set township per mile compensation in accordance with federal per
mile compensation, for official travel for township business inside and outside the township, for eligible
township employees and elected officials. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-30 Trustee Don Minton moves to request advance payments of tax dollars as collected by the county
auditor to be distributed to the township. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-31 Trustee Dave Phares moves to set the township spending limit at $2,500, without prior approval of
the trustees. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-32 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to set the spending limit for the Fire Chief (Jacob King) at $5,000, without prior approval of the trustees. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-33 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 PM. Second by Trustee Dave Phares.
R/C: All ayes.

Donald K. Minton, Chairperson

David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson

Nancy Brown, Member

Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer