Bethel Township Reorganization Meeting
January 04, 2021, 5:00 pm
3333 Lake Road
Welcome and pledge: Led by Stacey McKenzie
Prayer: Led by Nancy Brown
Present: Nancy Brown, Dave Phares, Don Minton, Stacey McKenzie, Brian Ludwig, and Rhonda Ledford
Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie requests nominations for 2021 Chairperson.
21-01-04-01 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Don Minton as 2021 Chairperson. Second by Trustee
Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-02 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Dave Phares 2021 Vice-Chairman. Second by Trustee
Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to leave regular session and enter executive session at 5:08 PM to
discuss compensation of personnel. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-04 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to leave executive session and re-enter regular session at 5:50 PM.
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-05 Trustee Dave Phares moves to set township meeting dates and times as follows: 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays at 5:00 PM at 3333 Lake Road. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-06 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to keep Wes Banco as township depository bank per contract.
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-07 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the trustees by the salary method for the 2021 calendar year.
Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-08 Trustee Don Minton moves to appoint Trustee Dave Phares as road superintendent for the 2021
calendar year. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-09 Trustee Dave Phares moves to appoint Rhonda Ledford as Township Coordinator for the year
2021 at a rate of ($16.60) $16.60 per hour. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-10 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Ray Nelson as a consultant for the Township for the year
2021 at a rate of ($22.00) $22.00 per hour. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C. All ayes.
21-01-04-11 Trustee Don Minton moves to appoint Mike Allender as road maintenance worker for the year
2021 at a rate of ($18.80) $19.10 per hour. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-12 Trustee Dave Phares moves to appoint Justin Legge as road maintenance worker for the year 2021
at a rate of ($18.80) $19.10 per hour. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-13 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the uniform (pants only) rental for the full-time road
employees. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-14 Trustee Don Minton moves to pay Dan Berner as a part time employee ($13.85) $14.50 per hour
for the year 2021 Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-15 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay Joe Monnin and Jeff Anderson as a part time employee
($13.10) $13.75 per hour for the year 2021 Second by Trustee Don Minton R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-16 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pay any new part-time road employees at the rate of ($12.35) $
13.00 per hour for the year 2021. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-17 Trustee Dave Phares moves to set full time road employees’ sick leave in accordance with Sec.
124.38 ORC and vacation leave in accordance with Sec. 325.19 and paid holidays as defined in Sec. 1.14 ORC
(New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. If all employees agree they may move one
holiday to the day after Thanksgiving. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-18 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Jacob King as Fire Chief at an annual rate of ($17,500)
$17,500.00. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-19 Trustee Don Minton moves to appoint Duane Stitzel as Fire Marshall Program Director at an
hourly pay rate of $(20.60) $20.60 and paid per call at the same rate. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All
21-01-04-20 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to appoint Chris Ludwick as Assistant Chief at an annual rate of
($15,500) per year $15,500.00. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-21 Trustee Dave Phares moves to appoint Brian Ludwick as Assistant Chief at an annual rate of
($15,500) per year $15,500.00. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-22 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay all fire captains at a rate of ($4,300.) $4,300.00 per year.
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-23 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay all fire lieutenants at a rate of ($3,300.) $3,300.00 per year.
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-24 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay members of the Bethel Township Fire Department at the
following rates, including one hour of pay per regular training session and total hours worked for special
trainings, as determined by the fire chief:
Trainee current minimum wage
Fire certified $11.35 per hour ($11.35)
EMT $13.40 per hour ($13.40)
EMT-I $14.45 per hour ($14.45)
Paramedic $16.50 per hour ($16.50)
Stipends pay for the paid per call program with a maximum of 7 positions each night.
Single Cert $30.00 ($30.00)
FF/EMT $35.00 ($35.00)
FF/EMT Adv $40.00 ($40.00)
FF/Medic $45.00 ($45.00)
Officer $30.00 ($30.00)
All pay raises were put on hold and will be revisited next meeting with Chief Jacob King in attendance.
Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-25 Trustee Dave Phares moves to appoint the following to the Volunteer Fire Fighters’ Dependents
Fund: 1. Chief Jacob King 2. Nick Carpenter 3. Chairman, Nancy Brown 4. Treasurer, Stacey McKenzie 5.
Rhonda Ledford
Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: Nancy Brown will serve as chairperson of the committee.
21-01-04-26 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pay all part time and paid per call employees of the Bethel
Township Fire Department double time for hours worked and stipend pay on and New Year’s Eve, New Years’
Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, effective
January 1, 2021. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
Trustee _ moves to appoint Libby Reese as clerk’s assistant at a rate of ($13.85) $_______ per hour.
Second by Trustee __. R/C: Libby has retired.
21-01-04-27 Trustee Don Minton moved to retain Donnelsville Cemetery fees as follows:
Open and close grave Weekdays $700. B/4 2 pm $800. after 2p m
Weekends $1,000.
Holidays $1,100.
Cremation or infant burial Weekdays $500. B/4 2 pm $750. after 2 pm
Weekends $600. B/4 2 pm $750. after 2 pm
Holidays $600. B/4 2 pm $750. after 2 pm
And to retain the cost of burial sites for township residents as follows:
8 graves $2,400.
4 graves $1,200.
2 graves $600.
1 grave $300.
Cost of burial sites for non-residents will remain as follows:
8 graves $3,600.
4 graves $1,800.
2 graves $900.
1 grave $450.
And to charge $.65 per square inch for pouring cemetery foundations and to charge $100 for military markers.
Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-28 Trustee Dave Phares moves to set limits of $500 for indigent burials, this in addition to lot, marker,
vault, and opening and closing of the grave. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-29 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to set township per mile compensation in accordance with federal per
mile compensation, for official travel for township business inside and outside the township, for eligible
township employees and elected officials. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes
21-01-04-30 Trustee Don Minton moves to request advance payments of tax dollars as collected by the county
auditor to be distributed to the township. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-31 Trustee Dave Phares moves to set the township spending limit at $2,500, without prior approval of
the trustees. Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-32 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to set the spending limit for the Fire Chief (Jacob King) at $5,000, without prior approval of the trustees. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.
21-01-04-33 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 PM. Second by Trustee Dave Phares.
R/C: All ayes.
Donald K. Minton, Chairperson
David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson
Nancy Brown, Member
Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer