2021 June 8

June 08, 2021, Meeting Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge:   Led by Trustee Don Minton

Prayer: Led by Trustee Nancy Brown

In Attendance: Trustee Don Minton, Trustee Dave Phares, Trustee Nancy Brown, Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie, Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford, and Fire Chief Jacob King.


Citizen comments relating to agenda items: 

Citizens comments open forum: (Please sign in at the door)

 21-06-08-01 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C:  All ayes. 

21-06-08-02 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pay the bills, check numbers 64838 through 64988 and ACH payments 713-2021 through 730-2021 in the amount of $ 186,667.92.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.       

21-06-08-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of May 25, 2021.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.



 Floors by Kevin will be cleaning and waxing the floors at Styer Lion’s Den on Sunday, June 13, 2021. He has requested that we remove all the tables and chairs for that day as he will be doing the storage room also.  Helpers? (If we can not help then he will not do storage area.) The fire department will help if they are not out on a call.



21-06-08-04 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the purchase of 8-inch letters for the sign that was donated by the Medway Historical Society.  The cost is $88.99 for 300 letters.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.   The ones the fire department donated was too small.

21-06-08-05 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve Rhonda Ledford to start a Bethel Township Facebook page.  This would help us try to locate the next of kin and people who have unkept properties.  Second by trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

Discussion on June 26th parks project per Nancy Brown.  The time will be from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Nancy Brown will be out of town, but Don Minton will lead this.  Nancy is to provide a list of sites and jobs.

Deadline for the Clark County Township Association quarterly meeting is tomorrow, June 9th.  How many people will be attending?  The attendees will be Don Minton, Dave Phares, Nancy & Bud Brown, and Rhonda Ledford

21-06-08-06 Trustee Dave Phares moves to declare each of the following properties a separate nuisance to be abated:  Second by Trustee Don Minton. R/C: All ayes.

41 Dahlia Dr. Tall grasses.  Vacant home, people entering home all hours of day.

235 W. Main St. Medway, Vacant home, not secure, tall grasses, debris all over yard.  Demo permit was taken out 1/9/2018.  Back of house tore off now boarded up.

242 Weinland.  Tall grasses, empty house which people are going in and out the back unsecured door. Old mattress, washer on back porch.


21-06-08-07 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the resignation of Fire Marshall, Duane Stitzel from the Bethel Township Fire Department effective May 31, 2021.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.   R/C: All ayes.

Thank you, Mr. Stitzel for all your hard work and years of service! 

21-06-08-08 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pass a Resolution of Necessity to be filed with the Clark County, OH auditor for a 2 MIL renewal levy that was in effect from 2017 to 2021 for the Bethel Township, Clark County Fire Department.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes. (This shall be known as F1)

 21-06-08-09 Trustee Dave Phares moves to pass a Resolution of Necessity to be filed with the Clark County, OH auditor for a 2 MIL renewal levy that was in effect from 2017 to 2021 for the Bethel Township, Clark County Fire Department.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes (This shall be known as F2)

21-06-08-10 Trustee Don Minton moves to pass a Resolution of Necessity to be filed with the Clark County, OH auditor for a 2 MIL renewal levy that was in effect from 2017 to 2021 for the Bethel Township, Clark County Fire Department.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes. (This shall be known as F3)


Trustee _____ moves to hire _______________for the Bethel Township Road Department @ ______ per hour pending drug screening and background check.  Second by trustee ______.

R/C: No action was taken at this time. 

21-06-08-11 Trustee Dave Phares moves to participate in a formal interview with two candidates for the Bethel Township Road Department on Monday, June 14, 2021 @ 10.00am and 11:15 am.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes

21-06-08-12 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve the pavement marking agreement between Bethel Township Trustees and the Board of Clark County Commissioners.  The maximum amount that the township is to pay to the contractor under this agreement is $22,218.50.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

21-06-08-13 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve payment on a then and now basis for the Clark County Multi Resurfacing OPWC project.  Bethel Townships cost will be $90,221.75.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

Trustee _____moves to approve the hiring of a part time-summer help person, 18 years or older, possess a valid driver’s license and has experience on John Deere mowers & tractors.  They will help with the mowing of the parks and cemeteries?  The pay scall shall be _______.  Second by trustee _____. R/C No action was taken.

21-06-08-14 Trustee Dave Phares moves to allow unused items at the Bethel Township Road department to be placed on Gov Deals.Com. and handled by the Clark County Engineers office.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.   R/C: All ayes.


21-06-08-15 Trustee Don Minton moves to pass a resolution of necessity to be filed with the Clark County, OH. auditor for a 1.75 MIL emergency police levy.  Second by Trustee Nancy brown.  R/C: All ayes.

Work Session:   

Nancy Brown would like to schedule a special session to discuss the JEDD.

21-06-08-16 Trustee Don Minton moves to set the work session for nuisance reports and hiring and a special session afterwards to discuss the Bethel Township/Huber Heights/Clark County JEDD at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, June 15, 2021.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

21-06-08-17 Trustee Dom Minton moves to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes


                                                                              Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                               David A. Phares, Vice-Chairperson


                                                                               Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                               Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer