2021 Jul 13

July 13, 2021, Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge:  Led by Trustee Don Minton 

Prayer: Led by Trustee Nancy Brown

In Attendance: Trustee Don Minton, Trustee Dave Phares, Trustee Nancy Brown, Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie, Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford, Chief Jacob King

Announcements: All in attendance wished Stacey McKenzie a Happy Birthday!      

Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

Citizen comments open forum.

Kendig Rd. residents. No Kendig Rd. residents attended.

Whaley Rd. resident Roger Thornbury Roger stated his two concerns: 1.  He suggest a speed survey on Whaley Rd.  He stated that when school is in session, the personal vehicles and school buses have a hard time passing each other.  He also stated that cars are going way over the speed limit on that road.  2.  His neighbor at 1001 Whaley Rd, has commercial vehicles going in and out of his driveway several times a day.  Mr. Thornbury feels these heavy vehicles may have collapsed the drainage tiles under this driveway and caused the rain to back up in the yard at 1000 Whaley Rd. Trustee Dave Phares said he will investigate this problem.  Trustee Nancy Brown suggested a speed survey to be done but after school starts.

21-07-13-01 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to accept the agenda. 

 Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.  

21-07-13-02 Trustee Don Minton moves to pay the bills, check numbers 65012 through 65072 and ACH deductions 733-2021 through 853-2021 in the amount of $96,284.74 Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes       

21-07-13-03 Trustee Don Minton moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of June 22, 2013.   Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C:  All ayes.



The new phone system has been installed.  They are still waiting on a few more phones and then they will be back to install the new phones and program all of them.  The cost on the additional phones is $1,725.00 and paid for by the Fire Department.



21-07-13-04 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pass the Resolution to Proceed of the Taxing Authority to be filed with the Clark County, OH Board of Elections for a 2 MIL renewal levy that was in effect from 2017 to 2021 for the Bethel Township, Clark County Fire Department. (This shall be known as F1) Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes

21-07-13-05 Trustee Don Minton moves to pass the Resolution to Proceed of the Taxing Authority to be filed with the Clark County, OH Board of Elections for a 2 MIL renewal levy that was in effect from –2017 to 2021 for the Bethel Township, Clark County Fire Department. (This shall be known as F2) Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes 

21-07-13-06 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to pass the Resolution to Proceed of the Taxing Authority to be filed with the Clark County, OH Board of Elections for a 2 MIL renewal levy that was in effect from 2017 to 2021 for the Bethel Township, Clark County Fire Department. (This shall be known as F3) Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.


21-07-13-07 Trustee Don Minton moves to pass a Resolution to Proceed of the Taxing Authority to be filed with the Clark County, OH. Board of Elections for a 1.75 MIL police levy that will be for taxing years 2021-2025. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes



Stacey would like to hire someone part time to help her.  Should she advertise or hire without advertising? What should the pay be?  She would like the Trustees input.  Stacey was told she did not need to advertise if there was someone, she knew that was qualified to do the job. A motion will be held later to hire.

21-07-13 -08 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to accept the 2022 budget as prepared for submittal to the Clark County Auditor’s office.  Second by trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

21-07-13-09 Trustee Dave Phares moves to declare each of the following properties a separate nuisance to be abated: Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.

202 Troy St. Medway.  Tall grass, debris in yard.

207 Troy St. Medway.  Two automobiles parked in front yard with no plates and look to be inoperable.

1159 Burket Ave. Camper in the yard that has been there so long it has sunk down in the blacktop. Debris under camper, mattress, and box springs in the yard.

1207 Chalet Dr.  Tall grass that has not been mowed this year. 

What are the ordinances for hauling/construction trailers that are parked on out streets in park Layne? There are several parked in Park Layne. Refer to Deputy Nick Moody about Clark County ordinances.

2022 Cemetery Grants are available now.  Through the Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing.  Is anyone interested in working with me to apply? Trustee Nancy Brown stated she will help with this.


21-07-13-10 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve a speed study on Kendig Rd. The residents are concerned about the speed on their road and would like to see it lowered from the 45MPH.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.

21-07-13-11 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to  approve a speed study on Whaley Rd.  This shall be conducted after the beginning of the school year.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

We have had a few phone calls about golf carts. Is it legal to drive golf carts on the streets of Bethel Township? What do they have to be equipped with if so? Refer this question to Deputy Nick Moody and see how Clark County handles this.

21-07-13-12 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve a motion for Trustee Nancy Brown to attend the Transportation Coordinating Committee will be holding their annual meeting on Friday, August 13, 2021 @ 10:30AM.  The cost is $12.00 per person and will be paid for by Bethel Township.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

21-07-13-13 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve NOS/Hoffman Tree Services to remove two dead ash trees and a Hackberry tree that are broken and or dead, on Quick Rd.  They are broken and leaning into one another and there is fear they will take out power lines per Mike Allender. The cost quoted is $750.00.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

21-07-13-14 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve NOS/Hoffman Tree Services to trim back both sides of the road and elevate in the dip in the road just past Tillie Lane on Bishoff Rd towards Milton Carlisle.  They will do the same trimming on Dillie Rd.  The cost is $1,400.00 for both roads.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

Trustee _____moves to approve C&S Tree Service to do the following work:

Remove five (5) trees at ground level and haul wood.on Quick Rd.

Elevate and shape and remove limb and haul wood on Dillie Rd.

Elevate and shape, prune on Bishoff Rd and haul wood.

Total cost is $5,900.00.  Second by Trustee _____. R/C: No action was taken on this quote.  


21-07-13-15 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the quote from MDLewis Painting to prep and paint the Medlake Lion’s Den building.  The price covers labor and material to prep and paint the building.  The paint is to be supplied by Bethel Township.  The cost of the prep and labor is $3,000.00 Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.

21-07-13-16 Trustee Don Minton moves to accept the quote from MDLewis Painting to scrape, sand, primer and paint the swing set at Raynor Park.  No paint is included in the price of $100.00.  Paint supplied by Bethel Township.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

21-07-13-17 Trustee Don Minton moves to accept the quote from MDLewis Painting to prep and paint the shed at Raynor park.  The cost is $1,200.00 and the paint is supplied by Bethel Township.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes. Trustee Don Minton stated that there is currently enough left-over paint for this project, and we should not have to purchase new.

21-07-13-18 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve the cost of paint for the Lion’s Den which should be around $700.00 per Don Minton. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

All the paperwork has been submitted to Larry Shafer at the Clark County Health Department for the water system at the Donnelsville Lion’s Den.  

Tony Shadwick came out and inspected the playground equipment at Raynor Park he would like to meet with us on Thursday, July 15, 2021 @ 11:00 to go over his findings.  The meeting will take place at Raynor Park.  He stated that there is no immediate danger in any of our playground equipment and that it is in fairly good shape.  The meeting is just to show us what to look for and keep track of. The Road department will be the one meeting with Tony.


21-07-13-19 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve the hiring of the following people to the Bethel Township Fire Department: Abigail Brown, Brayden Peake, and Stetson Peake.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.  Welcome to Bethel Township!

21-07-13-20 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the resignation of Caden Riley from the Bethel Township Fire Department.  Second by trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

Thank you Caden for your service!


Trustee Don Minton stated that the Blitz went well.

Work Session:   

21-07-13-21 Trustee Don Minton moves to set the work session for Thursday, July 22, 2021 @ 4:00PM.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown R/C: All ayes.

21-07-13-22 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to adjourn the meeting at 6:01PM. Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.


                                                                                Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                                David A. Phares, Vice-Chairperson


                                                                                Nancy K. Brown, Member


                                                                                Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer