2021 Aug 24

August 24, 2021, Minutes

Bethel Township Trustees

3333 Lake Road

5:00 p.m.

Welcome and pledge:   Led by Trustee Don Minton

Prayer:  Led by Trustee Nancy Brown

In Attendance: Trustees Don Minton, Nancy Brown and Dave Phares, Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie, Chief Jacob King, Deputy Nick Moody, and Township Coordinator Rhonda Ledford


Citizen comments relating to agenda items:  

Citizen comments open forum:

Mr. Boling stopped by the office and would like an update on Schiller Rd. 

Trustee Don Minton and Dave Phares stated they will contact Robert McClure and have him come out and explain the accident and what they expect done with the area.

Mr. Northrop is concerned about the closure of the Aspen Rd in Crystal Lake into Park Layne.

Mr. Northrop attended the meeting.  He has a vehicle and can walk on his own.  He would like the dead end opened back up so that he can ride a wheelchair when needed.  The Trustees stated that they will take all his information into consideration.

21-08-24-01 Trustee Dave Phares moves to accept the agenda.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.  

21-08-24-02 Trustee Don Minton moves to pay the bills, check numbers 65131 through 65188 and ACH deductions 974-2021 through 992-2021in the amount of $ 62,735.57. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown. R/C: All ayes.       

21-08-24-03 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to dispense with reading and accept the minutes from the regular meeting of August 10, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes


The date for the “Meet the Candidate” night hosted by Gateway Business Group can not be September 23, 2021, because that is the same night as the fall OTA meeting.  Can we move it to Wednesday, September 22, 2021? Wednesday, September 22, 2021, was a good date for all.



Rhonda Ledford Township Coordinator attend the OCEOA on Thursday, August 19, 2021.  I wanted to Thank the Trustee’s of Bethel Township for sending me.  There was a lot of helpful information distributed at this meeting.   

The Joint Board Meeting will be held August 30, 2021, at 6:30PM at Tecumseh High School.  Is there anything we would like added to their agenda? 

21-08-24-04 Trustee Don Minton approves Bethel Township’s Fiscal Officer Stacey McKenzie to sign for loan documents for the 2021 police cruiser through WesBanco in the amount of $52,147.70.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C:


Updates on the Bethel Township Fire Levy? Jacob king reported the levy is on the ballot.

21-08-24-05 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve the Bethel Township Fire Department to replace the HVAC system in Station #51. The system is no longer working.  Chief King has requested three (3) quotes to which he was given the authority to accept the lowest/best bid.  Second by Trustee Don Minton.  R/C: All ayes.

Discussion on new rescue.  Chief King reported it should be ready in March.  Chief King will send the invoice to Fiscal Office Stacey McKenzie so she can issue a P.O.

Update Engine 51.  Chief King reported it is still several weeks out, but the only expense should be for the new motor which will be $3,800.00.

21-08-24-06 Trustee Nancy Brown approves Eric Humbert and Abigail Brown to attend Clark State College for Paramedic school. They must commit to work for Bethel Township for a two-year period or they will be required to re-pay the township at a pro-rated rate.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.

Chief King reported that Pike Township is dealing with staffing problems and does not staff from 12:00 AM to 06:00 AM.

Chief King requested all stats form Clark County so that we can have the information for our police levy. 


Trustee ______moves to approve the bid from NOS Outdoor Services to remove uprooted tree on Queen Rd. for $675.00 and remove low limb branches of a Silver Maple growing over the road for $150.00.  The total quote is $825.00.  Second by Trustee _____.  R/C:

No action was taken.  Trustees requested more quotes

Trustee _____moves to approve the bid from NOS Outdoor Services to remove Multi stem Hackberry tree at the Firehouse (One by Lake Rd causing visibility problems), Elevate both sides of Aspen Rd. to the dead end and remove six (6) Ash tress and one (1) Hackberry tree.  The quote is $7,250.00.  Second by Trustee _____.  R/C:

No action was taken.  Trustees requested more quotes.

ODOT Township Stimulus Program
The Township Stimulus Program is a one-time program providing funding to townships for sidewalk, roadway, and culvert (less than 10 feet) projects located within township limits. The total funding available to this program is $8 million and a funding limit of $250,000 per project has been established. ODOT will provide 100% of eligible costs for all phases of the project, up to the specified project funding limit. More information on this program will be forthcoming with the application period opening on August 1.
Visit Township Stimulus Program | Ohio Department of Transportation or contact Nichole Lawhorn at Nichole.Lawhorn@dot.ohio.gov for additional information.DEADLINE IS November 12, 2021

Updates on Old Dominion Trucking Terminal? The Trustees believe there is still no Clark County Utilities being run to this area and have no been informed of any new JEDD updates.

Updates on Marathon Station at 235 & 40? 

Updates on Road Grants?


Bethel Township has obtained a quote from Meade’s Paving for the asphalt overlay and to strip the basketball court at Raynor Park.  The quote is $25,000.00. This will be submitted to Bethel Township’s legal authority for clarification on the coverage of payment to be paid for by the American Rescue Plan Funding.

Bethel Township has obtained a quote from Penchura LLC. To replace the swings, the bearing hardware, labor, and the engineered wood fiber mulch at Raynor Park.  The total cost is $12,132.72.  This will be submitted to Bethel Townships legal authority for clarification on the coverage of payment to be paid for by the American Rescue Plan Funding. Trustees agreed to get quotes from Penchura for the Donnelsville Park before submitting to our legal authority for confirmation that these expenditures will be covered under the ARP.

21-08-24-07 Trustee Dave Phares moves to approve Seth Harrison to use the Donnelsville baseball diamonds for practice of the girls’ softball league that he coaches. He would like the use of it from August through October.  He will maintain the fields while his team practices there.  There will be no need for the use of the concession stand as this is just practice.  He states that he carries all the proper insurance.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.

This approval is pending insurance papers being submitted to Bethel Township.

21-08-24-08 Trustee Don Minton moves to approve the rental on the Medlake Lion’s Den to be increased to $ 400.00 per day form the current price of $300.00 and the deposit to be increased to $ 200.00 a day from the current price of $100.00 a day starting August 24, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes. 

21-08-24-09 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to approve the rental on the Donnelsville Lion’s Den to be increase to $250.00 per day from the current price of $150.00 and the deposit to be increased to $ 200.00 a day from the current $100.00 starting August 24, 2021.  Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

21-08-24-10 Trustee Dave Pharesmoves to amend the resolution 21-07-13-18 which states that a $700.00 limit was approved for paint for the Medlake Lions Den and the building at Raynor Park.  The actual amount spend was $1,996.73.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.


Rhonda Ledford, Treasurer has taken the paperwork to the Clark County Board of Elections and has applied for the EIN number for the Bethel Twp. Levy Committee through the IRS to which we have received.  A checking account was opened through WesBanco (Enon) in the name of Bethel Twp. Levy Committee on Saturday, August 21, 2021.  The balance is $100.00 with no expenditures.  

Updates on the purchase of cameras for Deputy? This purchase is on hold until money becomes available.

Decide if we want the kids from the Raynor park criminal damaging case charged or help repaint. The Trustees decided to have the 14-year-old paint the flooring on a Saturday with adult supervision from Bethel Township Road Department and  the court system not being involved.

Executive Session:

21-08-24-11 Trustee Nancy Brown moves to go into executive session @ 7:26 pm. to discuss the hiring a part time assistant fiscal officer. Return to regular session @ 7:33 pm. Second by Trustee Dave Phares. R/C: All ayes.

21-08-24-12 Trustee Don Minton moves to approves Stacey McKenzie, Fiscal Officer to hire Debbie Watson for the part time assistant fiscal officer for Bethel Township at the pay rate of $18.00 per hour. Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes

Work Session:   

21-08-24-13 Trustee Dave Phares moves to set the work session for Tuesday, August 31, 2021 @ 2:00 pm. Second by Trustee Dave Phares.  R/C: All ayes.

21-08-24-14 Trustee Dave Phares moves to adjourn the meeting at7:46 pm.  Second by Trustee Nancy Brown.  R/C: All ayes.


                                                                             Donald K. Minton, Chairperson


                                                                             David A. Phares, Vice Chairperson


                                                                             Nancy K, Brown, Member


                                                                             Stacey L. McKenzie, Fiscal Officer