Now Hiring for Fiscal Officer Assistant

Bethel Township has an open position for FISCAL OFFICER’S ASSISTANT – This is a part-time position with flexible hours, 10-15 hours per week. The successful applicant will assist the Fiscal Officer with data input and filing, plus other office tasks as needed. Currently paying $12.50 per hour, negotiable.

  • Must be a resident of Bethel Township, Clark County
  • Must be bondable
  • Skilled with Excel and Word
  • Community oriented team player with good people skills
  • Valid driver’s license required
  • Drug screening and background check will be required

Mail resume to Bethel Township, 3333 Lake Rd., Medway OH 45341 or email to Resumes must be received by August 14 at noon to be considered.

Bethel Township is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Park Buildings Now Available for Rent

After several months of closure due to Covid-19 the Cabin in Donnelsville Park and the Den in Styer Park on Gerlaugh Rd. are once again available for rent. If you are planning a special event and are in need of a venue call Ray at 937-849-9499 ext. 1. You can check prices and availability HERE

Clark County COVID Statistics as of 6/20/20

Here are the statistics for the week ending June 19, 2020; new additions are at the bottom of each category with a date in front of them. Also, the Clark County Combined Health District updates online case numbers every weekday at 2:00 p.m. at
Clark County cases – 657 (395 last week)Clark County deaths – 8 (same as last week)Clark County hospitalizations – 8% of active cases (13.4% last week)
Ohio cases – 43,731 (40.004 last week)Ohio deaths – 2,667 (2,490 last week)Ohio hospitalizations – 7,167 (6,753 last week)
Bethel Fire reports EMS transports back to normal pace. Supplier advises price of gloves may triple. Not all suppliers opening up, relying on EMA for masks.
SNAP cards for children have been sent out.
National Guard missions are scaling down, August 7 is anticipated date of bringing staff back from all food banks.
There continue to be meat shortages, and prices of produce and fresh produce are going up.
Agriculture working with Ohio Department of Health and OSU extension service for knowledge on food preparation and home gardening.
Livestock is being depopulated due to the lag in processing. This can be an issue in the future as well, as processing plants come back online and there is not enough supply.
Second Harvest is operating 50% above normal, continues to serve through drive-thrus.
6-19-20-OEMA has received two articles from the OSU extension office. One that the farmers taxes will go down and that the USDA has set aside federal dollars forqualifying farmers. Food inventory is good and farmer’s markets are beginning to open up
Clark County Combined Health District currently has 3 RV’s, one apartment, and one house secured for quarantined individuals.
At this time they are all in use. Interfaith Hospitality Network is currently housing 103 individuals and providing hot meals every day. IHN is working with the Salvation Army and St. Vincent DePaul for shelter placements.
Disconnections of Ohio Edison delinquent accounts will begin July 1.
6-19-20-Local Water- Will resume delinquency shutoffs starting 7/27. Will give 6 months to pay down above normal delinquencies due to Covid. A press release will be sent out. Will share with EMA to post on their website.
United Way would like data on the amount of delinquencies and increases. United Way was questioned if they would have community funds available to assist. United Way responded that they will distribute funds to IHN, St. Vincent DePaul and Salvation Army to assist.
Rocking Horse Community Health Center has COVID-19 testing for symptomatic Rocking Horse patients, by appointment only. Madison Health offers testing by appointment only – 740-845-7242. New Carlisle Family Practice offers testing to symptomatic individuals Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Dole Fresh Foods was tested June 13th and 300vadditional cases confirmed. CCCHD is working with them.
Additional outbreaks at Allenview, Navistar (5), and Victory Church. Victory Church was due to a funeral and a birthday party held at the church. CCCHD Communicable Disease team tracing contacts.
Region 3’s R-Naught number is 1.07, the highest in the state. This represents the rate at which a disease is spread (one person infects 1.07 people on average). The goal is to be below 1.
Working with Wittenberg on re-opening plan. They plan to re-open a week early and going hybrid after Thanksgiving break to avoid any potential spread back into the school.
SNS coming in twice a week. EMA distributing.
No local modeling has been in place so there is no way of knowing by contact tracing if we are at a peak.
We do not have Priority 5 level asymptomatic testing capacity yet.
6-19-20- Total of 657 positive cases. Working with ODH to help with contact tracing due to the Dole outbreak (300 positive). All positive cases at Dole have been asymptomatic and all are residents of Springfield. Staff population is 50% Latino, 25% Haitian and 25% Causasion.
6-19-20-Waiting on information for more pop-up testing sites. Still working with Wittenberg’s fall reopening. Working with Churches on communications. ODH is still entering positive cases into the LEADS system for law enforcement.
6-19-20-EMA Surgical caps are a concern. In need of more homemade masks.
6-19-20-A donation of 7,800 masks and a large cash donation of $15,000 has been received from Silfex to purchase PPE.
6-19-20-EMA has received a grant to start in building a cache.
Ohio telemed/telehealth Crisis Care line at 1-800-720-9616.
6-19-20-Flyers will go out next week offering 1-3 free clinical consultations to healthcare and EMS workers.
Decline in STNAs for in-home health care.
In-home homemaker care program has been shut down.
6-19-20-JFS-Ohio Means Jobs hosted a virtual job fair pre-screening for Topre America. Interviews will be held at the agency one at a time.
A virtual job fair will be hosted for Yamato next week.
Call United Way for answers to questions and referrals for services, both food and financial assistance. This keeps calls for information off the 911 emergency system.

April 28 Meeting is at 1:00 pm

The Tuesday, April 28th Trustees meeting will be at 1:00 p.m. on Zoom. This time change is to accommodate the work schedule of Trustee Minton and is not permanent. For those wishing to participate in the meeting you may request entry at: and the password is 54321.

Township Playgrounds Closed

Bethel Township’s two playgrounds, at Raynor Park and Donnelsville Park, are closed until further notice to help prevent spread of the coronavirus. Since the virus can live on surfaces for up to several days, we ask parents to keep their children safe by keeping them away. All township parks are also closed for organized sports and all other activities that involve more than ten people. The parks are still open for taking walks, including the walking track at Styer Park.

Brush Pickup Suspended

At their March 24 meeting the trustees voted to suspend brush pickup indefinitely beginning immediately. Due to the coronavirus our road crew is working with limited staffing and will not be able to pick up and dispose of storm damaged limbs and brush for the foreseeable future. We are sorry for any inconvenience, but if you bundle your brush and take it to Mad River Topsoil at 5625 Old Lower Valley Pike, Springfield, they will accept it at no charge.

Covid-19 in the area

During a press conference Wednesday, March 19, Clark County Health Commissioner Charles Patterson announced the first confirmed Covid-19 case in Clark County is in a resident of Bethel Township. The patient was in a care facility out of the county when he became ill and is now in the VA hospital. His family lives in Bethel Township and had been in close contact until recently. A second patient at the same facility also tested positive for the virus, and other patients have been tested and are awaiting results. Stay safe by staying home as much as possible, practice social distancing when out, and wash your hands often.