Bethel Township, Clark County, Ohio 3333 Lake Rd., Medway OH 45341
Main Office: 937-849-9499 FAX: 937-888-882-2409
Trustees: Chris Crowley, Chairman; Nancy Brown, Vice-Chairman; and Dave Phares, Member
Fiscal Officer: Stacey McKenzie; Township Coordinator: Rhonda Ledford
Trustee Meetings for 2023 are held the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the meeting room of Station 51 at 3333 Lake Rd., Medway. Work sessions, if needed, are the first and third Tuesday of the month, at 4:30 pm. Call 937-849-9499 ext. 1 to verify the time. Please enter the north side door for all meetings and all meetings are open to the public. We ask that those showing signs of any communicable illness not attend to protect others, especially the first responders who work here.
For updated information regarding Bethel Township follow the “Notices” link below.
HyperReach is the mass notification system that allows Clark County Emergency Management to telephone, text, and email all, or targeted areas, of the County in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. To sign up for these alerts click the link below.
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